Dr Elizabeth Davidson

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Choosing Joy (Copy)

Hello friends, it has been a long time since I’ve written, but I’m still here. This year has been challenging in many ways and I’ve neglected my business a bit while I’ve been busy taking care of myself. That said, I had an interesting interaction a couple of days ago and felt I needed to share. You may have noticed the donuts in the picture above and be thinking…”come on Dr. E, those aren’t healthy. You’re not going to bash donuts today, are you?” No, I’m not donut bashing. Not even close. I had a conversation in front of a pastry display a few days ago. The person I was talking to clearly wanted to eat the maple whoopie pie, but how do you order a whoopie pie in front of a holistic doctor? He was talking himself out of it because of the sugar and the gluten and the glyphosate. And sure, none of these things are stellar for your health and I don’t advocate eating them in excess. However, what I do advocate is joy. If you are going create joy by eating your favorite treat, don’t second guess yourself. Don’t beat yourself up about it because that defeats the purpose. Enjoy every bit of that sugar and gluten. Joy is a much better health food than guilt. A guilty pleasure is not a pleasure at all. So yes, do your best to stick to foods that grow your health, but if a maple whoopie pie or a donut is going to make your day, go for it! I know for some, digesting the treats they love doesn’t always go well. If that’s you, reach out. I’d love to help. Happy eating!