Dr Elizabeth Davidson

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When does the root cause appear?

Honestly I’d rather help people prevent chronic illness than solve it. Health is so much better when you have it for longer! I’ve been thinking about this as I see more and more people diagnosed with serious illnesses looong after there are signs of imbalance in their health and in their blood work. So I thought it would be helpful to create a list of things to look for. Since most of your immune system is located in your gut, a healthy gut flora translates to a healthy immune system. A healthy immune system keeps your whole system functioning well.

Some early symptoms of poor gut health, often seen in children are: constipation, colic, eczema, acne, asthma, ear infections and anxiety. Any of these symptoms (and probably some that I missed) are early warning signs that the gut is out of balance and therefore the immune system is not functioning as it should. If these are ignored the gut/immune system will continue to deteriorate and lead to more chronic symptoms like headaches, joint pain, fatigue, autoimmune problems and irritable bowels.

How does the gut get out of balance in the first place? Some contributors are C-section birth, antibiotic use, artificial colors and flavors, food additives, processed foods, and alcohol. If you or your child has experienced any of these a gut reset is a good plan. I offer a simple and supported gut reset. It takes 90 days, rarely involves dietary changes, involves a few short term easy to take supplements, and includes doctor support to create the most successful plan for you and your family.

You can message me for more info or purchase the whole package (supplements will be directly shipped to you and I will reach out to set a virtual appointment) here: https://buy.stripe.com/5kA9B6gDm7Lz5RCaEE

Family plans are available! Message me for more details: happynerves