Dr Elizabeth Davidson

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Stress…the real story

Often, people who have been diagnosed with chronic illness are told that they simply need to reduce stress.  Then they are left there with the stressful assignment of reducing stress without strategies or support.

In my view I see stress as a cumulative thing: there is inside stress (body working on healing, being inflamed, fighting infections) and outside stress (daily life, parenting, working, managing a household, etc.) Inside stress plus outside stress equals total stress and if total stress it too high, quality of life goes down.  Now, think about which stress is easier to reduce: inside or outside.  It's pretty much impossible for most people to reduce their daily life stress.  How would you do less parenting or working?  But inside stress... this is where working with a doctor like me can be miraculous.  I strategize with and support people through clearing infections, lowering inflammation and getting the body healing. With this process inside stress is greatly reduced which means total stress is greatly reduced and quality of life goes up!

For example, let's look at Melinda's case.  She is 75, a chronic Lyme disease sufferer, hasn't been able to do much but sit on the couch for the past two years, and is recently diagnosed with lupus.  She called me and sent me her labs.  In them I discovered multiple infections, low iron and low vitamin D. No wonder she felt terrible!  She followed my simple protocol and within two months she was volunteering in her community, starting to visit with friends again and doing yard work. She could have stayed on the couch and wasted away, but now she is beginning to thrive!

By not shifting the inside stress level, the total stress level is likely to just keep going up and stealing your quality of life. 

Giving your body the opportunity to not work so hard all the time is simple and gets you living how you want to live!

If this resonates with you or brings to mind a friend who is struggling, get in touch! We can have a conversation and discover if inside stress is what is really stealing your well-being.