Dr Elizabeth Davidson

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A New Perspective

In my experience the medical system has been all about diagnosis…Putting a name to the symptoms, then medicating or supplementing to get rid of that symptom. But what happens when you have multiple symptoms? Or when your symptoms won’t go away with the prescribed regimen? More and more it becomes your fault. If you’ve ever been told “it’s all in your head” or “you just need to reduce stress” or “try cutting out sugar and gluten and dairy” your doctor, no matter what degree they hold, has no idea what is going on.

I’ve been through all of it. I got my first chronic diagnosis when I was 4 years old. Migraines. The pediatrician told my mom I needed to reduce stress. At age 4. Since then I’ve had many more diagnoses, many more doctors with various degrees, and many more unhelpful recommendations and prescriptions.

Nothing was working, so I created my own system. It comes from 35 years of experience, searching, experimenting, education, certifications, and degrees. And now it’s all in one place. Designed to get you well with lots of support.

If this makes you think of someone you know, share this with them. If this is you, respond to me for the next step to reclaiming your life.