How I Help!
If any of these offerings spark questions, please don’t hesitate to skip right down the the “Schedule your Empowerment Call” Button at the bottom of the page. I want to meet you and make sure you are clear on how much health you have to gain!
Intuitive Health Activation Sessions: Want very quick results for yourself or a family member? These are the simplest offering I have. They work for all ages in all places and get instant results. You get to stay home and relax. I check in with your system intuitively (with my mind) and clear blocks in the nervous, skeletal and immune systems. There are some spectacular results happening with these sessions…check out my blog page for some of the stories.
Ultimate Gut Reset: Looking to dip your toe in with a powerful immune system boost? This is for you. The key to the immune system is in the gut. If you’ve ever taken antibiotics, ever, your gut is not as healthy as it could be. Processed foods, alcohol, and excess sugar will all wreak havoc on your gut. Your immune system is mostly in your gut, so poor gut health equals poor immune health and can lead to many many health problems including autoimmune issues. The gut reset includes all the supplements (2-3 at a time), instructions, and support you will need for this 2 month process.
Functional Bloodwork Analysis: If you have normal bloodwork, but you don’t feel normal and you want to know what is really going on, this is your jam. What is normal anyway? Well, it’s the average of all the other people who have gotten their bloodwork done. When I read bloodwork it’s to tell you what those numbers actually mean. On their own and in relation to each other and what you are experiencing. I also look at functional ranges: ranges where people feel good and thrive, not just stay alive.
Health is your Wealth Program: If you are looking to maximize your health so you can shine your gifts into the world this is where you want to be. These 6 month programs involve all of the offerings above and more. They are individually designed to reset your health on a deep level based on your bloodwork and what is going on in your life. They involve supplements, lifestyle advice and strategies to maintain all the health you’ve gained, along with lots of individual support.
Maximize your Health Self Study: You are curious about how health works on a deep level and you’re self motivated. This online course covers bloodwork analysis, protocols to address the findings in the bloodwork, and strategies to maintain all the health you gain. You get to go at your own pace and ask questions as needed.

Schedule here if you’d like to have a conversation about any of these offerings. This is 15-30 minutes to get a sense of whether we work well together and how I can help you. This can be on zoom or on the phone. You can also send me a direct message at happynerves@gmail.com
I wrote a book! It’s called Optimal Family Wellness and it is a great baby shower gift. Here is the description:
We all have an intelligence that keeps us functioning all the time.
It is the key to enjoying the health we all should have. From pregnancy and childbirth, through children’s health and overall family wellness, when you know how to create optimum health, you’ll have:
●new strategies for natural conception
●keys to optimum pregnancy and birth
●the best start to newborn wellness
●tools for continuing a family wellness lifestyle
Optimizing the communication between your brain and body is the foundation for a lifetime of wellness. All this with no medications, expensive supplement regimes, or time-consuming routines.
I had to take a nap every afternoon for as long as I could remember. Being a mom and a business owner, that was so inconvenient!! After one of Dr. E’s intuitive healing sessions, my afternoon fatigue was gone. I love having that time!