Bergamot—Oil of Self-Acceptance

Calling all Earl Grey tea fans! It's always been my favorite tea and my plant medicine journey had given me insight into why. Did you know that delicate citrusy note comes from Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) essential oil?

Bergamot is the oil of Self-Acceptance. It helps to relieve feelings of despair, self-judgment, and low self-esteem which are all things that have been personal struggles for me, so no wonder I've been drawn to it.

It can also be off help to various skin issues, aiding in digestion, fever reduction, and even supporting those with brain injury. It's as simple as putting a few drops in the diffuser (I love it with frankincense), rubbing some into the temples or heart area, or adding to food or drink (I added some to lemon curd... divine.)

Do you want to reignite your optimism and confidence in yourself? Bergamot.


Black Pepper—Oil of Unmasking


Basil—The Oil of Renewal