Dr Elizabeth Davidson

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Building Your Support System Against Fibromyalgia


How many of you have had thoughts like these...

"Another colleague got promoted today; why can't I get there?"

"I wish I could surprise my team with high productivity levels for once."

"How do I face another team event invitation?"

The most transformative journeys to overcoming Fibromyalgia are those shared with others, but so many corporate women feel isolated, overwhelmed, and alone. Think about it, every great human accomplishment... came from having loyal companions to overcome the challenges with.

Your dreams of thriving in your corporate career aren't solitary.

It's not just your dream—it's your team's, your family's, and perhaps, even the dreams of those who look up to your professional prowess.

In recognizing the strength that comes from community, I want to stand with you.

I know the silent struggle you face.

Let's create a chapter where every step, every moment, and every milestone in your journey against fibromyalgia sounds like this instead...

"Another colleague got promoted today – it's wonderful to see so much success!"

"I surprised my team with a presentation that knocked it out of the park and everyone was impressed!"

"I'm looking forward to attending another team event; it's always fun!"

These are the kinds of things graduates from my Fibromyalgia Freedom Academy are saying. The next round starts in just a couple of days and I am still interviewing candidates for it.

If you’ve ever thought, "I've got to put my health first. But how can I do that without compromising work?" Fibromyalgia Freedom Academy is for you.

All you have to do is reply to this email and we’ll find a time to connect. It just might be the best thing you’ve done to overcome fibro and get back to your A-game at work and at home! Looking forward to chatting with you! Get on my schedule ASAP to get into the next round starting 10/1!