Freedom…what does it mean to you?

Yesterday was Independence Day here in the US and it got me thinking about what that really means. Freedom is my number one core value and it is what has driven my life since I was a kid. I remember being 10 years old and my parents would not buy me a bike, but all I wanted was a way to be free and a bike would let me go anywhere! I started my first business at 10 so I could get that bike and I paid for it with piles of quarters.

I got the wheels, but living a life of freedom encompasses the ability to pursue our passions, engage in meaningful relationships, and seize opportunities. Unfortunately, I was already suffering from chronic illnesses. Sadly, when you’re trapped in the relentless grip of chronic conditions freedom becomes curtailed as physical and emotional burdens restrict your ability to fully embrace life's joys. However, there is hope. By overcoming chronic illness, you can reclaim your sense of liberation, experiencing a renewed sense of freedom that permeates every aspect of your existence.

Breaking Physical Barriers:

  • Chronic illness often impLioses physical limitations, dictating what you can or cannot do. Whether it's pursuing adventure sports, traveling to distant lands, or simply enjoying everyday tasks without pain or fatigue, the absence of chronic illness allows for a newfound sense of physical freedom.  What would you do if you could do it without pain or fatigue?

Expanding Personal Choices:

  • Living with chronic illness often entails a range of restrictions, including dietary limitations, medication schedules, and medical appointments. What if you could eat whatever you want? What if you weren’t reliant on medications? And what if you could take all those doctor’s appointments off your calendar?  What would your life look like?

Nurturing Emotional Well-being:

  • Chronic illness can take a toll on mental and emotional well-being, leading to feelings of frustration, isolation, depression and anxiety.  What would it be like for you to go out for dinner without worrying about the consequences of what you eat?  What would it be like to go hike a mountain without being in pain? What would it look like to  reconnect with your passions, dreams, and aspirations?

I’ve worked hard since I was a kid to maintain and reclaim as much freedom as possible. If you’re ready to liberate yourself from feeling terrible all the time and reclaim your joy, I’m here to help.  Message me the activity you would love to be able to do again.  Let’s get you doing it!


When does the root cause appear?


Getting back to living