Dr Elizabeth Davidson

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Geranium—Love and Trust

Geranium is another one of those oils that is good for many things. It's a key ingredient in dōTERRA's HD Clear skin support blend and in Zendocrine, the detoxification blend. I add is to my own tick spray blend and we are tick free since we started using it.

In reading about the emotional support this oil offers I recognized why I'm so attracted to it lately. I've been adding to my bath salts every evening. Geranium is the oil of Love and Trust. It encourages emotional honesty, love and forgiveness. It can help in healing a broken heart and assist in reestablishing a strong bond to one's parents. With aging and dying parents and stepparents, these relationships have certainly been tested and I'm loving my daily dose of geranium.

I add a drop off geranium to my hair oil and my bath salts. It can be used topically and it adds a floral brightness to any diffuser blend. I love it with frankincense and bergamot in the diffuser. It's also an edible oil, though to take a drop on the tongue is pretty intense! I prefer getting it in my Zendocrine softgel and it's recommended to add to milk with honey for a soothing beverage.