Dr Elizabeth Davidson

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Inflammation heals!!

You've been told inflammation is the cause of your health problems, but this information is not helping you get well.

Inflammation can cause all kinds of uncomfortable symptoms, but what is causing the inflammation? You see, inflammation is part of your body's healing process and if it is off the charts, your body is working hard to heal something. I help you find out what needs healing so that you can heal, not just stay inflamed.

Your body is always doing its best to heal and be well and inflammation is a part of that. When your system doesn’t have the right tools to heal, or it’s too overwhelmed with fighting against internal pathogens, inflammation stays because it still has work to do. And it is not comfortable. It takes a lot of energy so causes fatigue. It is warning you to not injure yourself further so causes pain. It can really take over your life.

But there is a solution! My specialty is finding the actual cause of the inflammation. Attacking inflammation doesn’t help in the long term because the inflammation still has a job to do. My method finds the underlying cause of the inflammation so we can address that and solve it. The inflammation can then go away because it doesn’t have any more work to do.

There is a lot of information out there suggesting that eliminating inflammation causing foods and taking things like turmeric to reduce inflammation will alleviate symptoms of inflammation. These may have some impact in the short term, but because they don’t address the underlying cause, they are not a long term solution.

For those who are ready for a long term solution I take a comprehensive approach that includes functional bloodwork analysis, an in depth case history, and lots of support on the journey.