Dr Elizabeth Davidson

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Mind Power

I’ve been interviewed on several podcasts recently and one of the things that keeps coming up is how our medical system takes away our confidence in our healing power. We are all amazing healers. Our bodies are made to heal and grow. We can turn food into energy. We can knit bones back together. We can grow new neurons. Some of us can even grow new humans!

We also all have a deep knowing or intuition about ourselves. One of the things that upsets me the most is when doctors tell a patient that they are wrong about their own bodies! We live in our bodies 24/7 so anyone saying they know better that us, is just impossible. Especially a doctor who only sees you for a few minutes a year.

Mindset has a huge influence on how well we heal. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “if you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” This applies to everything, including healing.

So how does one shift into a healing mindset? The simplest thing is to schedule 10 minutes a day just for yourself. This is not a time to catch up on social media or to do the dishes. It’s a time to breathe. A time to be undisturbed by anyone. A time to recognize all the wonderful things your body is doing for you every day. A time to remember all the things you’ve healed before. For even more power: write down one thing a day that you have healed.

If you want to go deeper into mindset healing, hiring a mindset coach can take you to the next level. I recommend Jen Poulson and you can visit her here: https://jenpoulson.com/. She'll even do a free consult!

Our minds are so powerful. Let’s use ours for good!!