Dr Elizabeth Davidson

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The Power of Belief

In working with chronically ill people one of the most heartbreaking things I hear is that their other doctors have told them they will never get well. Once they’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, or chronic fatigue, lupus, sjogrens…whatever the name might be…they have it forever.

This is not true!! The first key to getting well is believing that you can. Our bodies are designed to heal and adapt and grow. Some of you have grown a whole new human!! Maybe even more than one. Our bodies are constantly processing everything we take in and giving the best output they can. When they are overwhelmed or out of balance is when they produce symptoms.

This is why I’ve created a system to find where the balance was lost, what is actually causing the upset in the body. From there I take you through fixing the imbalance and supporting the healing. The great news is that it is simple and does not have to take a long time.

Here is your first step: think about and appreciate all the things your body is doing right! When you’re ready for the next step, get in touch! I would love to help.