Your Health is your Wealth


In the world of fibromyalgia, it often feels like the odds are 99/1 against us. Overwhelm, pain, fatigue - they dominate our days. But let's flip those odds in our favor.

Everywhere you look in the corporate world, people are trying to 'hustle harder"‘…juggling too many tasks, and trying to out-work everyone while their health crumbles.

Sarah is pushing through work even though she has a sleep disorder and her project results are showing it.

Travis is searching for productivity hacks that only seem to complicate things further and cause him to take twice as much time as needed to get key data to you.

Carla keeps offering her 'super secret team cohesion tips,' but no one at work is listening because the tips are too far out.

In the race to do everything, they're burning out.

Time for a reality check: It's not about doing more—it's about doing what's right for us and overcoming fibromyalgia before it overtakes our performance at work and we join the unproductive.

Our health is the foundation for our success at work and at home.

When we're well-rested, full of energy, and free from pain, we can conquer anything.

But right now, some days, just getting up is a victory. Other days, overcoming the constantly distracting pain is the victory.

The real question however is, do we want those to be our victories?

Or would waking up energized and pain-free be better?

I think we both know the answer. 

It doesn't matter what other tasks are at hand. The most crucial task is YOU. Stop the fatigue and brain fog. Put a halt to the pain so you can be the top performer you know you are.

If there is one thing my journey with chronic illness has taught me….it’s that general advice we get from our general doctors is the quickest path to making fibromyalgia hang around for many more years.

Don’t get me wrong, they mean you no harm. But the problem is they simply lack the knowledge of how to get to the root cause resolution of fibro.

They don’t have the tools that I do.

And when you’re stuck just managing symptoms of fibro….

In time, it sabotages success in your work and home life.

So, remember: You are worth it. Your family is worth it. Your career is worth doing what it takes to figure out why the heck fibro stops you from being the high performing achiever you are.

Are you ready to kick fibro to the curb forever?

Book a call here today. Let's start working together so you can stop managing fibro and start resolving it….

See you soon! Dr. Elizabeth


Unscramble the Fibromyalgia Mess: Find Your Clear Path Forward


Transform Your Work Life: Overcome Fibromyalgia