Cinnamon—Sexual Harmony

Mmmm.. that favorite sweet spice that makes cookies, cakes, tea, coffee, so many things just that much better. Sourced from Madagascar, cinnamon bark (Cinnamonum zeylanicum) oil is a kitchen classic. It's a very warming oil and, well diluted, can be massaged into sore joints.

This oil may be beneficial for circulation, colds, coughs, digestion, exhaustion, flu, infections, rheumatism, and warts. This oil fights viral and infectious diseases, and testing has yet to find a virus, bacteria, or fungus that can survive in its presence.

It's also the oil of Sexual Harmony. It can nurture strong relationships based on mutual respect and love. It helps us feel secure and risk being truly known, so true intimacy can emerge. Cinnamon oil is associated with body acceptance, healthy sexuality and intimacy.




Cilantro—Oil of Releasing Control