Cilantro—Oil of Releasing Control

Cilantro... How does it taste to you? I love it and could eat a bowl full, but I've met plenty who think it tastes like soap. I wonder what they would think of the essential oil... I like to add it to smoothies, stir fried and guacamole. It's super strong, so dipping a toothpick in rather than a whole drop can be enough.

Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) is also the oil of releasing control. It facilitates emotional cleansing and encourages the release of worry, liberating the soul from heavy burdens and enabling a light and free life.

Who do you know who is overcome by worry? Slip some cilantro oil into their diffusers and see what happens. Just as in food, cilantro pairs well with citrus and is a key ingredient in dōTERRA's Zendocrine blend designed for detoxification.


Cinnamon—Sexual Harmony


Celery Seed—Oil of Detoxing