Grapefruit—Honoring the Body

"Grapefruit teaches that no amount of food can fill a hole in the heart--only love can do that." --Essential Emotions. Grapefruit is the Oil of Honoring the Body. It may help with weight loss because it encourages a positive relationship with the body based on love, tolerance and acceptance. It helps us learn to respect our physical needs, feel nourished and have a healthy relationship with food.

Traditionally it's been used to support many digestive issues and may also help with menstrual symptoms and cellulite. It has properties that may help with addiction also.

As most citrus oils do, it adds a cheerful zing to any diffuser blend and it's delicious when added to drinking water, seltzer or even cocktails. Topically it can be mixed with a carrier oil and rubbed into areas that want slimming. My favorite way to use it is topically and mixed with geranium oil. I'll rub it over my belly for digestive support or add them both to my bath salts for a soothing toning soak.


Green Mandarin—Pure Potential

