Green Mandarin—Pure Potential

Green mandarin essential oil is distilled from the green, unripened fruit of the mandarin tree. Distilling at this time gives the oil a brighter, fresher aroma. Mandarin trees are native to Asia, but they are now cultivated around the world.

Green mandarin has been my favorite to add to my water for months now. It feels soothing and tastes clean and citrusy, but very different from any other citrus I've tried. It's my favorite to drink and it adds a mellow citrus note to any diffuser blend.

Until today I'd never read about the emotional benefits: it's the Oil of Pure Potential! It reminds us that we are not defined by any baggage or scars that we carry, but that we have all the potential we started out with. It helps us reconnect to our innocence and to our inner child whose heart is open and fearless. For growing delight, wonder, hope and excitement, add some green mandarin oil to your day!


Helichrysum—Emotional Pain


Grapefruit—Honoring the Body