Helichrysum—Emotional Pain

I was first introduced to helichrysum as the bandage oil... One drop often stops bleeding and helps to jumpstart healing of cuts and scrapes. Most commonly used topically, Helichrysum is a great boost for healing both on the surface and below it.

It's a flower oil and flower oils are often supportive for heart and emotions. This one is the Oil of Emotional Pain. It's related to sunflowers and has a powerful relationship with the sun, adding joy, fervor and hope for living. It can take us to new levels of spiritual consciousness and helps us face adversities with courage and determination.

It can be used in the diffuser or taken in capsules, but I prefer to rub it in over my heart. I also use it on any wounds or scars.


Jasmine—Sexual Purity and Balance


Green Mandarin—Pure Potential