I really need to drink more, right?

The more water you drink the more hydrated you are. Right? Not necessarily.

I talk to lots of people that think all they're symptoms will improve if they just remember to drink more water, but drinking lots of water it's not actually a great solution.

The key is that you want your cells to be able to absorb the water. And there are some key components to making that easier.

I'll give a couple here, but if you want to go deep or if you know that person who tries to drink a gallon of water every day, message me!! Drinking that much every day is NOT healthy.

1. Quality of water. Chlorine or chloramine, and fluoride are in tap water. They are toxic. Chlorine can be somewhat filtered out and will evaporate in time. Chloramine is much more stable and does not evaporate. Fluoride is a much smaller molecule and cannot be filtered out. No one should be drinking water with these toxins in it.

2. Making the water more absorbable. A little bit of quality sea salt in your water provides some minerals and electrolytes that match the body's fluid much better. The water doesn't need to taste salty, but a bit of salt makes it much easier for your cells to absorb.

Cells do need to be hydrated, but quality of hydration is more important than quantity. Questions? Send me a message.


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