PMS is NOT normal!!

One of my favorite things about helping moms in their 40s solve their multiple symptoms is that they often have teen daughters.

So many young women in their teens struggle with their periods. Their hormones don't know what to do because of other imbalances. These imbalances are usually simple to solve with the right information. And once solved, the hormones solve themselves!

Some of the symptoms include irregular periods, extreme PMS, heavy periods, and wild moods. Teens often get put on hormonal birth control to regulate these things, but this doesn't fix anything! It just turns the hormones off! It doesn't help their hormones work. Sure, it may curb their symptoms, but it sets them up for a lifetime of hormonal imbalance.

When kids are not well, moms are stressed, so this issue often comes up in my first conversation with a mom who is struggling with her own fatigue and anxiety and pain. Who do you know who has a teen daughter who is struggling? Becoming a woman is challenging enough! The hormones should be the easy part.

Helping moms and daughters get well together is the best!


Do Supplements even work??


I really need to drink more, right?