Dr Elizabeth Davidson

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Laurel Leaf—Triumph

While I love dōTERRA Breathe oil, today's oil is actually the number one ingredient in Breathe: Laurel Leaf. This oil is not yet in my collection, because it's not one that is usually available. It's been available as the free oil of the month (before my time), and now you can get it only in the Respiratory Wellness Kit.

These kits are great because they are a 3 month subscription focused on a particular issue (respiratory, sleep, relief, immunity, and mind/mood). Each month's products build on last month's so you have solutions and support to address your focus. And you get exclusive products like Laurel Leaf oil.

Laurel Leaf is a respiratory aid and it's the Oil of Triumph. Laurel Leaf helps us heal issues that cause us to unconsciously self-sabotage. It encourages us to strive for our dreams and not settle for less. It inspires us to choose greatness! I'm glad I'm getting Laurel Leaf oil in my Breathe blend, but this description makes me want to experience it on its own. I guess I'll be ordering the Respiratory Kit!