Lots of New Things!

Hello all! It has been a long winter of skiing and learning new skills to help clients in more foundational ways. While I still love and use my dōTERRA products all the time and am always here for support with them, I have added new exciting things to my skill list. I am now certified to read bloodwork from a functional medicine perspective!! What does this mean? Well, most people who chronically don’t feel good, whether its pain, fatigue, depression, or digestive discomfort (or lots more), have bloodwork that falls within “normal” ranges, so they are told nothing is wrong with them. I’ve learned to read this “normal” bloodwork to uncover the patterns within the numbers that reveal the roots of the problem. Then we strategically address the problem and Voila! you feel a lot better!! It’s fascinating work and yet another way I can help people rebuild their well-being. Are you curious? Have you had bloodwork done recently? I would love to take a look and to show you how to analyze it.

I’m also in the process of creating an online program to conquer chronic illness and live life on your terms. Stay tuned….

Meanwhile, I’m working on getting better at Instagram, so keep up with me there. And I just posted my first TikTok. Never thought I would say that! Check me out @drelizabethdavidson

And, have you had your Vitamin D levels checked? More on that soon….


What does your diagnosis really mean?


Oils in Traditions