What does your diagnosis really mean?

If you’ve ever been diagnosed with anything, you may have noticed that you get a name for your symptoms, but not necessarily a why for your symptoms. Even more rare is a solution for your symptoms. So, what can you do to actually solve the problem? First, listen to your symptoms. They are signals!

Think of it this way: if the engine light in your car comes on, that is a symptom (signal) of some deeper problem that needs to be addressed. What will you do? Will you take it to the mechanic and have them run the computer thing to find why that light is on? Or will you put a piece of duct tape over the light? Think of symptoms like your engine light. They are signals that something deeper is going on and needs to be addressed.

Most medical care does not dig deeper to find the cause of the symptom. It’s so concerned with getting rid of the symptom, that it often just does its best to mask it with a medication, or to put duct tape over it. Take, for example a headache. The most common solution for a headache is to take an aspirin. But was the headache caused by a lack of aspirin? If not, then what caused it? Could it be dehydration, hormone imbalance, household chemicals, fatigue, toxins in your food or drink, too much screen time, brain tumor…this list could go on for pages.

Would finding the root cause be a better option or is just getting rid of the symptom a better option? Well, you only get one body and you can replace a car, so if you’re the kind of person who would use a mechanic rather than duct tape for your engine light, getting another opinion when it comes to symptoms is a great option.

My work digs deep below the symptoms to find out what is really going on and find a simple, life boosting solution. By considering all aspects of health rather than just looking at symptoms, I help you create more health.

If this piques your interest check out this workshop I created: Diagnosis Class


Weekly Well-Being Deep Dive: Autoimmune


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