Dr Elizabeth Davidson

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Transform Your Work Life: Overcome Fibromyalgia

Are you a driven corporate woman dealing with fibromyalgia…

And, are you ready to eliminate pain and fatigue so you can excel at work without the worry of sick days or income loss?

I’m here to tell you it's completely possible. I’m Dr. Elizabeth, and I know what it’s like to deal with chronic illness and fatigue.

After spending years working to find solutions for myself and becoming a master at understanding functional bloodwork, brain and nerve health, and how lifestyle impacts chronic illness, I have mastered an approach to eliminate the cause of fibromyalgia symptoms and I want to share it with you.

I have an exciting opportunity for SIX motivated women. I am inviting you to be a part of my brand new 'Fibromyalgia Freedom Process.'

I developed this process after successfully overcoming chronic illnesses my whole life, and I have helped many women regain their health and vitality. I’m looking for corporate women who are…

  • passionate about eliminating pain, regaining energy, and boosting clear-minded focus… no more brain fog or energy crashes.

  • committed to learning a proven system for reducing pain and fatigue so that they can reclaim their work life in a matter of weeks.

  • dealing with fibromyalgia while working in a corporate setting and can share your experiences with me.

You can commit at least 1 hour per week for 12 weeks from the start of October 2023…

You are friendly, coachable, and ready for a transformation.

Does this sound like you?

Then hit reply to this email and share your journey with fibromyalgia. I’ll be selecting women over the next week.

And I know I’m preaching to the choir here….but you and I both know if you continue to struggle with fibromyalgia it could cost you career growth, income, and precious time with your family.

But with the right guidance, you can regain control of your life. You will be free from pain, full of energy, productive at work, and present with your family.

Let me help you thrive in your corporate career and personal life without the burden of fibromyalgia. All you have to do is use this link: https://calendly.com/clearconnection/transform to schedule an exploration call with me.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Dr. Elizabeth